
Anti-doping rule violation

You can provide information on a future or past anti-doping rule violation or a suspected violation using this form. The suspicion can relate to an athlete or another actor in Finland or abroad. The anti-doping rule violations according to the Anti-Doping Code have been listed below. The information received is processed confidentially and the need for possible further actions is analysed.

If you decide to provide the information anonymously, you can register with the secured messaging service through which we can get back to you for further information, if necessary. In this case, you will receive a personal secure code with which we can contact you for more information on investigating the case. Please save the address and code for further actions.

Anti-doping rule violations in accordance with the Anti-Doping Code include:
  • finding prohibited substances or its metabolites or markers in the athlete’s sample
  • use or attempted use of a prohibited substance or a prohibited method
  • avoiding or refusing sample collection or failure to submit to sample collection, failure to comply with whereabouts regulations
  • tampering or attempted tampering of doping control
  • trafficking or attempted trafficking of a prohibited substance or a prohibited method
  • distributing or attempted distributing of a prohibited substance or a prohibited method to an athlete
  • complicity, or assisting, encouraging, helping, prompting, plotting or covering up for another person in an anti-doping rule violation or attempted anti-doping rule violation
  • prohibited association

Please respond to the following questions. Take into account that you can respond to only those questions you want to.

I want to provide the information: